Sunday, 4 December 2011

What need to know?

Energy Resources is NOT the same thing as Types of Energy.
  • Types of energy means "kinetic energy", "chemical energy" and so forth.
  • Energy Resources is about ways of getting energy so we can generate electrical power

Most of the Earth's energy
  • Solar power is the energy come from the sun, that's obvious, but the energy in coal originally came from the Sun too. Prehistoric plants stored the Sun's energy in their leaves, and when they died and eventually formed coal seams, that energy was still there.
  • So when we burn coal (or any fossil fuel), we're releasing chemical energy that was stored in plants millions of years ago.
  • The same goes for Wind and Wave power. Waves occur because of winds, and winds blow because the Sun warms our atmosphere. Warm air tends to rise, and winds are due to other air moving in to replace it.
  • Most power stations burn coal, oil or natural gas to run the generators. Others use uranium, or the flow of water.
  • Electricity is sent around the country using high-voltage power lines.
  • Nearly all of the power we use comes from large power stations, although some places such as isolated farms, or hospitals, have their own diesel generators.

Renewable Energy Resources are ones that won’t run out and is basically the energy that comes from natural sources such as the heat from the sun, ocean tides, rain and geothermal heat.

The world is shifting to renewable energy sources because of the scarcity of and rising prices of oil and gas.

Non-renewable resources are the sources that will eventually worn-out.  The resource is a natural source which cannot be produces, grown, generated, or used on a scale which can sustain its consumption rate. Once depleted, there is no more available for future needs.

Types of Non Renewable Resources
  • Petroleum products
  • Coal
  • Natural gas
  • Uranium
As we realize more and more that fossils fuels are going to run out, we’re trying harder to develop other means of generating the electricity on which we depend. That is why Nuclear Power should be considered as a solution.

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